Products & Gear (USA)
Nov 25, 2009 - 11:05:00 AM

Cris Maloney, publisher, has launched a new venture. He has teamed up with a master cabinetmaker to provide quality side-boards for indoor hockey facilities.

"I've been officiating indoors for more than 15 years and it makes such a difference when the facility has quality side-boards. In all those years, I've hardly ever officiated with good side-boards," said Maloney.

Maloney claims that most indoor facilities in the USA are not using side-boards that meet FIH requirements. Further, the boards currently in use are often warped and twisted.

"I wouldn't say they're hazardous but, well, let's just say that they're often problematic. And it certainly doesn't help the game when the boards look like a snake making its way down the sideline," Maloney continued. "Just as bad is when the ball constantly climbs up and over the boards because they're made out of 2x4's, which aren't even close to 4" tall, and they're not milled with the required downward slope toward the pitch."

Maloney conceded that many sites make their own side-boards but said, "Folks who are making their own boards are earnest in their attempts but they typically buy the cheapest lumber they can find. Those kinds of boards start to twist and warp as soon as they're put together. Our wood products are made from carefully selected, kiln dried, premium grade lumber and," he emphasized, "they don't have arsenic."

"Any wood can warp," Maloney said, "but, it is unlikely that our wooden boards will. We also have products made from 'engineered' materials and our top-of-the-line products are from a hardwood that you can hit with a hammer and not dent. It's amazing. It's also super heavy so, I don't think we'll sell many of those but, if you want the absolute best product, we have it for you."

Maloney has created a website,, describing the different products which range in price from less than $90 to over $200 per eight foot section. He estimates that most facilities would need about 32 sections and for those facilities the price for a set of side-boards for two side-lines would start at $2,700.

The company is located near Princeton, NJ and customers can pick-up their orders but will otherwise have to pay for shipping. Maloney, noting that 32 side-boards are fairly heavy, estimated that shipping costs would typically range from $400 for relatively local deliveries to $2,000 if the boards were to be shipped to the west coast. Orders are reportedly ready in less than 10 business days and deliveries to the west coast will take approximately one week.

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